Present a course

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Submission guidelines for a course at the Low Vision Academy Conference

Each member of the scientific board and every visual rehabilitation specialist may propose and lead a course during the Low Vision Academy Conference in the session of monothematic courses.
The presentation of the course proposal to the scientific secretariat shall be submitted by the end of October every year. The course should focus on a topic relating to the Conference and should be composed from a minimum of two up to a maximum of six speakers for a one hour module.
The submission must be prepared according to the followng scheme:

1) Conductor (name, title, affiliation, email, phone)
2) Co-host (name, title, affiliation, email, phone)
3) Title of the course (Italian and English)
4) Abstract
5) Presentation titles (2 to 6)
6) Presentation speakers (name, title, affiliation, email, phone)

Each course proposal shall be accompanied by an abstract both in Italian and English language at least 350 characters long including spaces (using counting words tool on Word menu).

Microperimetry remains the main diagnostic tool before starting the rehabilitation process. It provides a retinography and indicates the sensitivity modulation in the tested area as well as it records the evolution and the improvement to be gained and describes how the patients use the fixation and how it changes after the biofeedback sound cycles.

Each speaker must be registered for the Congress (registration is free).
The operator or co-host must be a board member or they must be approved by the board.

The course will be considered and approved for the conference by the scientific secretary and the board of the Low Vision Academy.

The proposer will receive confirmation by the end of November.

The approved conductors must send at least four multiple-choice quizzes for ministerial approval in the delivery of ECM by December of each year.

The course lasts one hour, reports are 8 minutes long and 2 minutes are set aside for discussion. The schedule just mentioned shall be considered by courses composed of six speakers or less.

The speaking time allowed for relations must be strictly respected. Please note that on average a report of 8 minutes should have no more than 14/15 slides.

Reports of 35-40 slides cannot certainly comply with the time limit.

The conductor shall ensure that speakers have presentations not longer than necessary and unwith a message to the public like: Take home a message.

Slides with too many lines are not suggested. Attention tends to lag when 5-7

The Scientific Secretariat will provide optional format of Low Vision Academy which can be used for presentations.

If the timing is not properly respected or interferes with other convention activities, the conduct of the course will not be renewed.

Send the proposal to the scientific secretary